Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Sixth Sense

Unless your girl thinks you have no sense of picking up on hints, she's probably not going to sit you down and tell you what she wants for Christmas. Most girls want you to pick up on the sometimes subtle hints that they give. Some girls are too stubborn to drop hints and want you to play Professor X and read their minds, and if you guess wrong, you get the cold shoulder all winter long (more ways than one, get it?).

Whatever the case, here are some tips to figure out what that special someone is wanting for Christmas...

#1: Listen!!! You can just pick up hints through a regular conversation if you just open your ears. Here's a conversation:

Guy: Hey baby, looking hot!
Girl: Thank you. I really like my outfit, but I've really had my eyes on this leather jacket @ Macy's that would put this outfit over the top!
Guy: Nahhh! You don't need a jacket, just wear mine if you get cold....

That was a very clear hint-drop. Lets get a little more subtle

Guy: Hey baby, looking hot!
Girl: Thank you. I'm really cold though!
Guy: Just wear my jacket, and don't mind the musty smell...

Yes, girls do like to wear their men's jacket sometimes, but what they really want is you to think about them and purchase that jacket for them.

#2: Watch commercials! Commercials are filled with brain-washing techniques for women! Keep an eye on your lady and see her facial expressions, or maybe she'll blurt out and say that she would love the item that's being advertised. Make a mental note and surprise her on Christmas morning!

#3: Sunday Papers! Get a Sunday paper and go through all of the sales papers with your woman noting the items that get aha moments. This is pretty simple!

DO NOT -- I REPEAT -- DO NOT let this conversation go down:

Guy: Hey hot muffins, what would you like for Christmas
Girl: Ummm, I don't think I want anything this year
Guy: Okay, cool!

If you don't buy your girl anything for Christmas (even if they say, they don't want anything) you can expect to spend New Years lonely!

Signing out,


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